Life Log: 14 November 2023

Well, I haven't used this website as much as I'd like, but these past few days have been extremely tiring. Between classes, side effects from my meds, worsening epilepsy symptoms, and getting sick, it's hard to really find the time and energy to do the things I love. However, I'm still trying. I finished up the final chapter of one of my fanfics the other day and as of today, I've written the epilogue for that same fic. After that I think I'll delve into some Ultraman fanfic and delve further into Ultraman Mebius. I definitely will write an entry on that in the near future.

I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on myself. At least I was able to find some basic skins for my home page and the main page of the blog, even if I wasn't able to find a skin for the actual entries themselves just yet. But at least they're pink and not just stark white, so that's nice. I definitely want to develop it further, and I may try to find ways to modify existing art I have of my avatar to better fit this site. Otherwise I might look into commissions. Problem is that I have other things I kinda want to spend my money on (correction: things I need to spend my money on).

Since, while I was talking to myself and daydreaming, I realized I have a love of writing lists, I'll write out a list of those things I need to spend my money on, since that'll keep me from being too careless:

When I list it out like this, I find it's less stressful to think about the things I need to do and the things which I must hold myself back from doing. Great problem to have, I know, not having money to spend on art for your personal web page, but that doesn't mean I can't customize it at all. Maybe I'll look up some fan art related to my favorite characters and place them in the three side boxes, and then I'll only really need art for the top of the page. Would I do the same pose or look for something more original? Who knows, honestly. Since I'm on a list-making roll, here's another one of some of the characters I might place on my home page:

Since I'm thinking about it now, I kind of should return to playing games on my Vita. It's not like I really had a reason to stop, I just focused more on Persona 4 Golden. Speaking of which, the second I finish that game, it's getting an entry here. I definitely am looking forward to actually having subjects to discuss beyond the personal matters which come up in the Life Log. Kind of speaking of that, I had another idea for a list, that being games I'd want to play on my Vita that are both in and not in my current library:

I won't lie, I still think my Vita is my favorite portable game console (does the Steam Deck really count? I don't count it, personally). So many fun games and so many fun memories with it. Who knows, maybe it'll give me something to make a gaming entry on, or maybe once I've played more games on it, I'll make an entry on the Vita itself. That would be cool, I think.

Until then, I'm gonna do a lot more thinking and try my best to figure out all the things that I need to figure out. Maybe I'll use this site more and make more lists, considering how much fun it is to make a good list. Perhaps I'll share any answers I come up with here, but for now, this is Cosmos, signing out.

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