I know I've not used this website in awhile, but honestly that's because life has been biting me in the butt lately. I think my previous Life Log was an indicator of how much life had been biting me in the butt, and it didn't decide to let up in the weeks since I wrote that entry. Thankfully, I've got a lot more time before the holidays, and I've got at least two works of fiction that I'd like to write about. So there's that. And I've got a work of transformative fiction that I posted onto AO3 that I can share, too. Altogether, I'll have more things to write about and more ways to occupy my time, assuming that life doesn't start biting me in the butt again (and with how my family usually is, I'm sure that's exactly what they'll do).
Aside from writing, I know I could always look into actually adding my avatar to this website instead of the generic anime boy that's there currently, and that I could find a proper way to format these entries from here on out. Previous entries would still be formatted like this, but any newer entries would feature a new format entirely (for the visuals surrounding the entries, at least, since I doubt the actual way in which the entries themselves are formatted will change much). Still not sure what that is and if I'll even use a new format (let alone if it'd be distinct from the way in which I format my main home page), but that's a problem for me to debate and not necessarily write about. Or maybe I'll write about it in my next Life Log. Actually, yeah, I'll probably end up writing about it in the next Life Log.
I don't have anything else to say, so this is Cosmos, signing out.