welcome to an alien's web page!
stay a while!

about me

I'm just an alien femboy trying to make his way through this universe. Now, while I refer to myself as an alien all throughout this web page (and in much of my work), I am human and am very aware of that fact. I simply use an alien avatar and let that fact extend to my representation of myself in the virtual world via text and how I refer to myself. I'm not one of those people who genuinely believes they're non-human or anything. That's a more complex thing, best reserved for my blog (and perhaps I've already written an entry about that subject as you're reading this!). I also do present more femininely, and thus I use the term "femboy," but I do not necessarily focus on the sexual aspects of that aesthetic, nor do I intend on sexualizing myself in any representations of my avatar that you will see here (the image above is about as suggestive as it gets, folks, and even then that's a regular anime pose). I love a bunch of things, including making lists! So I've decided to make a list of all my major interests:

  • .hack
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Retro gaming and tech
  • Books
  • Writing
  • Ultraman

I'm certain there are a bunch of other interests that I'm forgetting, but for now, those are the main interests which come to mind! I'm also a Christian, and as such topics like faith are going to influence what I talk about and my opinions on certain media. If that bothers you, then I am happy that you visited at all and do not mind if you leave this site for other pages because of my faith. If that doesn't bother you, then I hope you enjoy your stay at my web page!