and thus it begins

And Thus It Begins

Finally, the website is finished!

If you're seeing this, then I've finally finished setting up my website! That means that now I'll probably be using it more, especially since I will soon have a PC of my own for usage in gaming, programming, and other stuff that people use PCs for! It took me awhile because of a lack of motivation, a bit of confusion when it came to the guides I was able to find online, and a general lack of html knowledge, but it's finally here: my website.

Because I doubt you know who I am, I suppose introductions are in order: my name is Cosmos (known on some sites as Cosmos41), and I'm a writer from beyond the stars (which is a fun melodramatic title I like to use for myself). My avatar is as alien as the stories I like to write and as my personality, which is a little weird from time to time, but don't let that keep you from trying to read all the stuff I make, I'm sure it'll be worth your time!

My interests include MegaMan, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ultraman (and tokusatsu in general, but Ultraman is the series I'm the most passionate about as of late), writing (both fanfiction and original works), gaming, and reading books of all kinds! I have a tendency to ramble and go on tangents when it comes to these interests, so if you ever end up reading my articles about those interests, expect quite a few tangents and rambles about subjects at least partially related to whatever the topic of that given article.

With all that said, I hope you enjoy your stay on my website and here's hoping I actually remember to use it regularly to write about my thoughts on various things!